My notes for when I took this course in Fall 2024, taught by Babak Ayazifar and JP Tennant.
Course by Week
Week |
Topics |
1 |
Vectors, Linear Combination, Parallelogram Law Complex Algebra |
2 |
Vector Spaces, Norms, Dimension |
3 |
Inner Product, Cauchy-Schwartz, Linear Dependence, Distance Midterm 1 |
4 |
Span, Orthogonality, Bases |
5 |
Discrete Time Fourier Series and Complex Exponentials |
6 |
Gram-Schmidt, Projection, Orthonormalization |
7 |
Matrices, Outer Product, Matrix Multiplication |
8 |
Fundamental Subspaces, Rank-Nullity Theorem, QR Factorization, Inverses Midterm 2 |
9 |
Determinants, Eigenvalues, Diagonalization, Change of Basis |
10 |
Projection Matrices, Least Squares, Orthogonal Matrices, Symmetric Matrices, Spectral Theorem |
11 |
Singular Value Decomposition, Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, Principal Component Analysis |
PCA Lecture |
12 |
System State, Superposition Principle, Scalar Differential and Scalar Difference Equations |
13 |
Matrix Exponential, State Space Conversion, Vector Differential and Vector Difference Equations |
15 |
Internal and External Stability, Feedback Control Midterm 3 |
Course by Content
Linear Algebra
Vectors, Linear Combination, Parallelogram Law
Vector Spaces, Norms, Dimension
Inner Product, Cauchy-Schwartz, Linear Dependence, Distance
Span, Orthogonality, Bases
Gram-Schmidt, Projection, Orthonormalization
Matrices, Outer Product, Matrix Multiplication
Fundamental Subspaces, Rank-Nullity Theorem, QR Factorization, Inverses
Determinants, Eigenvalues, Diagonalization, Change of Basis
Projection Matrices, Least Squares, Orthogonal Matrices, Symmetric Matrices, Spectral Theorem
Singular Value Decomposition, Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, Principal Component Analysis
PCA Lecture
Fourier Analysis
Complex Algebra
Discrete Time Fourier Series and Complex Exponentials
Differential Equations and Control
System State, Superposition Principle, Scalar Differential and Scalar Difference Equations
Matrix Exponential, State Space Conversion, Vector Differential and Vector Difference Equations
Internal and External Stability, Feedback Control
The following is a collection of useful tips in no particular order.
- If $x(n)$ is real, then the following applies to its Fourier coefficients $X_k = X_{-k}^*$
- If a T-periodic signal is overestimated with a Fourier series of $kT$ terms, then there will be vacuous coefficients (redundant coefficients that are zero).